Bida ang Entrepinay: Life of a Super Mompreneur by InLife Sheroes

Bida ang Entrepinay: Life of a Super Mompreneur by InLife Sheroes

 Bida ang Entrepinay: Life of a Super Mompreneur by InLife Sheroes

*This article is written by InLife Sheroes


Not all superheroes wear capes. Some disguise themselves as women raising babies while building a business. That’s because it really takes a special kind of person to put grace and elbow grease together to create something (and someone or two or three!) so beautiful.

Because for one to excel as a mompreneur, it requires the utmost love, commitment, patience, resilience, and strength. Even with all of these values emanating from you, there’s still no guarantee that your kids are going to turn into healthy, well-adjusted, productive members of society, or that your business will flourish.

So. we say, salud! And we shine the light on you as we celebrate this mother’s month of May. 


Anne Krystle Yee

How did the idea for your business come about?
  • It started from a university project, that later on become a social enterprise. During that time, water hyacinth is one of the major environmental problems our government was facing. One of my colleague's aunt was working in the government and she mentioned that water hyacinth was causing environmental pollution, due to this we focus on how we can make use of these pollutants in to something that is useful and also solve the problem as well, through the process of experiment we've learned that these pollutants are can be used 
How do you balance your entrepinay life with your family and friends? 
  • I block my time to balance time for work and personal life. 
What is the biggest challenge of being an entrepinay in the time of COVID-19? 
  • Not being able to go out to meet with people, work together with employees in the office, check production with our water hyacinth communities and product production and meet with prospects and clients
What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to aspiring entrepinay? 
  • Offer each work day to the Lord, He is our boss. 
What do you think is your advantage as a mommy entrepinay?
  • As a mommy entrepinay, I feel like the hard work that I exert in raising my son and managing my business translates into the pride I have in being a self made woman. It's definitely a lot of hardships, especially during this time.
  • The skills I managed to learn and cultivate in my business which was my “1st baby” ,  I was able to be use in my new journey as a mother like training my baby the skills he will need to develop to his full potential, sacrificing my personal comfort for his benefit, feeling this unexplainable joy and love for a tiny human being and so much more.
  • Likewise, in the past 7 months, I also learned things I am able to apply to my business like:
Making sure that I am on top of everything from planning to execution; 
Making sure that all of my employees and interns are taken cared off;
Being a good influence and role model not just to my team, and apprentice, but also to our patrons and general public especially in terms of proper stewardship of these God given resources we have.


It's just like having two wildly different skills of study and being able to apply concepts to each other. Being a mommy entrepinay gives me an edge on having a flexible schedule. I almost never have to leave the comfort of my home and I get to spend more time with not only my spouse but also with my 7 month old son who at this stage needs me the most. 

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